Introducing Daoism

Introducing Daoism Online:
Self-test Questions Without Answers

  1. Laozi, the Old Master, is supposed to have lived around
    1. 300 B.C.
    2. 500 B.C.
    3. 200 A.D.
    4. none of the above
  2. When approximately was the Han dynasty?
  3. Zhang Daoling was the founder of which Daoist school?
  4. When were the Shangqing revelations?
  5. The role of Daoism as a key state-supporting system under Kou Qianzhi is known as ____________
  6. The sage in the Daode jing is ideally
    1. a workman
    2. the ruler
    3. a recluse
    4. a dead man
  7. Nonaction in the Daode jing means
    1. to not impose one’s will
    2. to do nothing at all
    3. to withdraw from society
    4. to avoid all thinking
  8. Stories about dreaming in the Zhuangzi illustrate
    1. that waking consciousness is unreal
    2. that we can never know what is real and what isn't
    3. that death is much better than life
    4. that animals and the dead can communicate with people
  9. The vision of the Zhuangzi differs from that of the Daode jing in that
    1. history plays a much more central role
    2. the main emphasis in on the human mind
    3. it does not use the word nonaction
    4. all of the above
  10. The bodily organ that belongs to the phase fire is the
    1. lungs
    2. liver
    3. heart
    4. bladder
  11. The direction of the east goes with the phase
    1. earth
    2. wood
    3. metal
    4. fire
  12. The color that is correlated with the spring season is
    1. white
    2. green
    3. red
    4. blue
  13. The sense organ that goes with the kidneys the
    1. nose
    2. mouth
    3. ears
    4. eyes
  14. The meridians in the body usually connect the torso and the ___________
  15. The three main Daoist energy centers in the human body are the three __________
  16. Name an immortals’ paradise: ____________
  17. The basic rule of Daoist dieting is to
    1. abstain from grain
    2. eat only garlic
    3. never have breakfast
    4. live on pine needles
  18. The words Yin and Yang can refer to
    1. male and female
    2. heaven and earth
    3. the sun and the moon
    4. all of the above
  19. Successful immortals can
    1. make rivers flow backwards
    2. be in several places at the same time
    3. command a host of spirits
    4. all of the above
  20. The most common effect of Daoist drugs is that
    1. the body dissolves
    2. the mind begins to wander
    3. the body feels lighter
    4. body and mind are weakened
  21. Elixir concoction depends on
    1. offerings to all spirits concerned
    2. the right time and place
    3. secrecy and the right destiny
    4. all of the above
  22. The immediate transformation resulting from a cinnabar elixir is
    1. limited only to human beings
    2. the most direct ascension into heaven
    3. the development of sickness
    4. all of the above
  23. The aim of ecstatic excursions in Daoism is
    1. to meet with immortals
    2. to get into the registers of life
    3. to find a celestial sex partner
    4. all of the above
  24. How many heavens are there in Shangqing Daoism? __________
  25. In the theory that equates the human body with heaven and earth, the feet represent earth because both are envisioned as being
    1. round
    2. square
    3. triangular
    4. oval
  26. Daoist sexual techniques serve to
    1. have as much pleasure as possible
    2. make the essence return to nourish the brain
    3. create new life through pregnancy
    4. become a qi vampire
  27. Healing exercises and breathing as Daoist health methods are used to
    1. lower body temperature
    2. increase blood pressure
    3. open qi passages
    4. all of the above
  28. Elixirs in Daoism are commonly called ____________________
  29. The five central precepts in Daoism (and Buddhism) prohibit killing, lying, sexual misconduct, intoxication and ____________
  30. The Great Peace movement rose in rebellion because
    1. They believed their leader to be the new emperor
    2. The country was in desperate condition
    3. A new calendar cycle was beginning, signifying a new age
    4. All of the above
  31. According to the beliefs of the early Celestial Masters, sickness was
    1. a punishment from heaven
    2. caused by moral sinfulness
    3. generally incurable
    4. cured with acupuncture
  32. Which Daoist school introduced most Buddhist doctines into its system?
    1. Shangqing
    2. Celestial Masters
    3. Lingbao
    4. Daode
  33. Qigong in contemporary China is very popular because it
    1. is supposed to cure many ailments
    2. helps people pass the time
    3. affords a chance to meet people
    4. is a sublimated form of religion
  34. The state during a rite of passage, the threshold between the before and the after, is known as ________
  35. A system of belief which maintains that the world will end in the near future is called _______
  36. Daoist monasteries became the dominant form of the religion in the school of
    1. Celestial Masters
    2. Highest Clarity
    3. Numinous Treasure
    4. Complete Perfection
  37. Wang Chongyang, established a Daoist school which can be described as primarily
    1. magical
    2. ascetic
    3. moralistic
    4. shamanistic
  38. In the practice of internal alchemy, Daoists attain immortality by
    1. creating an immortal embryo
    2. reaching enlightenment
    3. dissolving into the Dao
    4. swallowing an elixir
  39. True lead or fire in inner alchemy is associated with yang energy. In the body it is located in the ________
  40. The oracle of the Book of Changes is consulted for
    1. getting a clear yes/no answer
    2. obtaining moral clarity
    3. seeing future events
    4. getting a sense of where things are moving
  41. How many trigrams are there in the Book of Changes? __________
  42. The major energy center in inner alchemy in the lower abdomen is known as the _______?
  43. The purpose of Taiji quan is to
    1. heal the body
    2. establish cosmic harmony
    3. calm the mind
    4. all of the above
  44. Lü Dongbin is famous for a dream he had while the millet was still cooking. What did it make him realize?
  45. Nonaction in the Daode Jing means
    1. to not impose one’s will
    2. to do nothing at all
    3. to withdraw from society
    4. to avoid all thinking
  46. Name a new Daoist school of the Song.
  47. What are “thunder Rites”?
  48. What is the microcosmic orbit?

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